Floor Schedule

title time mesage day month date business adjourn_time votes
0930 M 12 23 P
1000 F 12 20 0124 329-339
1000 R 12 19 2012 328
1000 W 12 18 2038 325-327
1000 T 12 17 1940
1500 M 12 16 1916 324
1000 R 12 12 1722 322-323
1100 W 12 11 1918 320-321
1000 T 12 10 1856 318-319
1500 M 12 09 1835 317
1000 R 12 05 1637 314-316
1000 W 12 04 2008 309-313
1200 T 12 03 1922 306-308
1500 M 12 02 1945 304-305
0900 F 11 29 P 0900
1000 T 11 26 P 1000
1200 F 11 22 P 1200
1000 R 11 21 1649 300-303
1000 W 11 20 0034 289-300
1000 T 11 19 1940 283-288
1500 M 11 18 2355 264-282
1000 R 11 14 1546 261-263
1200 W 11 13 1844 257-260
1500 T 11 12 1855 256
1200 F 11 08 P 1200
1200 W 11 06 P 1200
1100 M 11 04 P 1100
1130 F 11 01 P 1130
0930 T 10 29 P 0930
1030 F 10 25 P 1030
0800 T 10 22 P 0800
1000 F 10 18 P 1000
1330 T 10 15 P 1330
0830 F 10 11 P 0830
1430 T 10 08 P 1430
1000 F 10 04 P 1000
1000 T 10 01 P 1000
1000 F 09 27 P 1000
1000 W 09 25 2148 252-255
1000 T 09 24 1956 250-251
1500 M 09 23 1825 249
1000 R 09 19 1551 247-248
1000 W 09 18 1920 244-246
1000 T 09 17 1932 241-243
1500 M 09 16 1959 240
1000 R 09 12 1528 238-239
1100 W 09 11 1919 235-237
1000 T 09 10 1709 232-234
1500 M 09 09 1855 231
1245 R 09 05 P 1245
1400 T 09 03 P 1400
1100 F 08 30 P 1100
0900 T 08 27 P 0900
1145 F 08 23 P 1145
0800 T 08 20 P 0800
1000 F 08 16 P 1000
0915 T 08 13 P 0915
1000 F 08 09 P 1000
0930 T 08 06 P 0930
1200 F 08 02 P 1200
1100 R 08 01 1703 229-230
1100 W 07 31 1941 224-228
1000 T 07 30 1850 221-223
1500 M 07 29 1925 220
1000 R 07 25 s2073 1552 218-219
1000 W 07 24 1942 215-217
1500 T 07 23 1937 214
1130 M 07 22 P 1130
1000 R 07 18 P 1000
1115 M 07 15 P 1115
1000 R 07 11 1649 212-213
1000 W 07 10 1854 208-211
1000 T 07 09 1844 204-207
1500 M 07 08 1853 203
0900 F 07 05 P 0900
1200 T 07 02 P 1200
1200 F 06 28 P 1200
1130 T 06 25 P 1130
0630 F 06 21 P 0630
1000 R 06 20 1516 201-202
1000 T 06 18 1922 199-200
1500 M 06 17 1834 198
1000 R 06 13 1510 196-197
1000 W 06 12 1854 192-195
1500 T 06 11 1851 191
1000 F 06 07 P 1000
1000 W 06 05 1753 188-190
1000 T 06 04 1804 184-187
1500 M 06 03 1921 183
1630 F 05 31 P 1630
1030 T 05 28 P 1030
1000 F 05 24 P 1000
1000 R 05 23 1600 181-182
1000 W 05 22 1947 177-180
1000 T 05 21 1946 173-176
1500 M 05 20 1845 172
Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission relating to Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 121 1000 hj109 R 05 16 R 1551 169-171
1000 W 05 15 2005 164-168
1500 T 05 14 1849 163
1830 F 05 10 P 1830
Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act 1200 h3935 R 05 09 R 2106 161-162
Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act 1000 h3935 W 05 08 R 1859 160
1500 T 05 07 1934 159
0900 F 05 03 P 0900
Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act 1000 h3935 R 05 02 R2 1559 158
1000 W 05 01 1857 156-157
1500 T 04 30 1847 155
1000 F 04 26 P 1000
Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act 1000 h3935 T 04 23 R2 2143 151-154
Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act 0900 h3935 Sa 04 20 R 1530
to reform the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 1100 h7888 F 04 19 R2 0129 143-150
Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act 1200 h7888 R 04 18 R2 1948 141-142
Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act 1100 h7888 W 04 17 R2 1912 129-140
1000 T 04 16 1926 127-128
1500 M 04 15 2104 125-126
1230 R 04 11 1437 123-124
1000 W 04 10 1843 120-122
1000 T 04 09 1800 116-119
1500 M 04 08 1945 115
1400 R 04 04 P 1400
1000 M 04 01 P 1000
1000 R 03 28 P 1000
1700 T 03 26 P 1700
1100 F 03 22 0230 102-114
1000 R 03 21 1916 99-101
1000 W 03 20 1900 95-98
1500 T 03 19 1839 94
0925 F 03 15 P 0925
1000 R 03 14 1658 92-93
1030 T 03 12 1929 86-91
1500 M 03 11 1900 85
1000 F 03 08 1934 77-84
1000 R 03 07 2258 74-76
1000 W 03 06 1942 69-73
1500 T 03 05 1914 68
1200 F 03 01 P
1000 R 02 29 2020 60-67
1000 W 02 28 2007 55-59
1000 T 02 27 1926 50-54
1500 M 02 26 1918 49
1500 F 02 23 P 1500
0900 T 02 20 P 0900
1530 F 02 16 P 1530
the legislative vehicle for supplemental appropriations 1200 h815 M 02 12 R 0716 45-48
the legislative vehicle for supplemental appropriations 1200 h815 Su 02 11 R 1949 43-44
the legislative vehicle for supplemental appropriations 1200 h815 Sa 02 10 R 1741
the legislative vehicle for supplemental appropriations 1200 h815 F 02 09 R2 2046 42
the legislative vehicle for supplemental appropriations 1200 h815 R 02 08 R2 1818 41
the legislative vehicle for the Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act 1200 h815 W 02 07 R2 1916 39-40
1000 T 02 06 1848 35-38
1500 M 02 05 1826 34
1100 R 02 01 1554 31-33
1000 W 01 31 1908 26-30
1500 T 01 30 1839 25
0900 F 01 26 P 0900
1000 R 01 25 1548 22-24
1000 W 01 24 1911 18-21
1000 T 01 23 1815 14-17
1500 M 01 22 1836 13
the legislative vehicle for a continuing resolution 1100 h2872 R 01 18 R 1508 10-12
the legislative vehicle for a continuing resolution 1100 h2872 W 01 17 R2 2110
To amend the Permanent Electronic Duck Stamp Act of 2013 to allow the Secretary of the Interior to issue electronic stamps under such Act, and for other purposes 1500 h2872 T 01 16 R2 2110 8-9
0845 F 01 12 P 0845
1000 R 01 11 1512 6-7
1000 W 01 10 1722 3-5
1000 T 01 09 1802 2
1500 M 01 08 1834 1
1000 F 01 05 P 1000
1200 W 01 03 P 1200
1145 T 01 02 P